Thursday, December 25, 2008
Twickenham Stadium
I know you must know about twickenham rugby stadium.It is such a geaven of rugby,imagine if you get a chance to play in
Click to see large
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rugby and hockey tour
Are you planning your next rugby or hockey tour 2007, 2008 or 2009?
Team Sports. Ltd. would like to invite you to consider Argentina and the following options:
From February to November, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days programmes, enjoying Argentina and Southamérica with and excellent value for money.
Programs begining on U$D 395.-:
Includes: Reception and transfers in/out International Airport Ezeiza, 7 nights hotel breakfast included, City Tour, 3 sports matches (including transfers), Tigre & Delta excursion, Pictures in Tour, Souvenir for the institution, Bilingual Coordinator.
Programs tailored, ask prices.
a cultural and sporting experience for Schools, Universities, Clubs and Veterans rugby Teams from over the world:
August 2007, 2008 and 2009, Buenos Aires city (Youth)
September 2007, 2008 and 2009, Cordoba city (Youth)
November 2007, 2008 and 2009, Mar del Plata city (Veterans)
All details and the video of the first edition, please go to
a cultural and sporting experience for young hockey player, men and women from over the world.
April 2007, 2008 and 2009, Buenos Aires city (Youth)
All details please go to
for School's Teams, men and women from over the world.
April 2008, Buenos Aires city
Why Argentina?
Because it is one of the most important rugby and hockey exponents, offering outstanding and unspoiled natural landscapes as well as cosmopolitan cities. Here you will find a modern and significant tourist infraestructure at excellent costs due to the favorable exchange rate (compared to the US Dollar and Euro), that makes it a fully desirable choice for your next sport tour.
If you are interested please send us your full contact details and we will be happy to assist you.
Kind Regards
Manuel Terán
Team Sports Ltd
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel/Fax (+5411) 4766 0222
a photo has thousand words

Parma scrum-half Jose Pellicena prepares to pass during the European Challenge Cup against Newcastle Falcons at Kingston Park in Newcastle, England on December 14, 2008.

Leicester's Scott Hamilton hands off Perpignan's Julien Candelon during their Heineken Cup match at Stade Aime Giral in Perpignan, France on December 14, 2008.

Newcastle Falcons scrum-half Micky Young crosses the line to score during his side's European Challenge Cup match with Overmach Parma at Kingston Park in Newcastle, England on December 14, 2008.
Friday, December 12, 2008
How Dumb is Rugby (well the rules and commentators)
We of course all know that Rugby hasn’t a thing on Football - the beautiful game, and for good reason too - the rules.
Apart from the madness that half of the world is playing one set of rules and the other half are playing with experimental rules, the rules are bloody stupid. In the whole of 80mins of Rugby, if there is more than two ruck where players are on their feet - as per the rules, then I’ll as they say eat my hat!
The new rules has created a game of force back, you know the game we all played when we were kids. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t pay big money to watch relatively well paid players playing a boring game of force back.
The scrum, always a mess, but the rule is that the front rows need to square and they need to hit square. All game the blues prop (Tony Woodcock) was setting with his head and shoulders on an angle and hit on the angle. The stupid and heinously over paid old rugby commentator claimed that the Auckland player has it all over his opposite. Yeah by cheating. But that’s one of the funny things about rugby, you cheat as much as possible until you are caught, then it’s called playing the game to the enth. What’s the bloody point of having a rule if you break it more or less every single scrum that is set (or ruck that is formed, or etc etc).
Stupid rule #whatever sub clause (as rugby has so many sub clauses), can’t score a try so you hit the posts. In tonight’s game, he wasn’t going to reach the try line so put it down on the post, If you are short of the line, you are short of the line.
10:34 Daniel Braid, three times in a row caught out in the ruck doing illegal things, and no card - bloody bloody lucky. How many times do you see someone infringe three times in 2 minutes more or less on their own try line and get away with it - well not the canterbury prop Flynn, who gets sin binned later in the game.
31mins Woodcock finally gets pinned for illegal scrumming, and the over paid ‘expert’ commentator says “oh he’s done nothing wrong”, but then concedes, “well he’s put his hand down”.
62min. How can a man be sent into the sin bin for ten minutes for a two armed tackle that just happened to knock a guy over. It was a good solid tackle and not a sine bin, not even a bloody penalty? Their bloody chests met, how is it a penalty? Corey Flynn you were hard done by sunshine.
68Min - Short of the line in the tackle. Called a no try, but the amazing thing was the ref talked to the captain and said “I’d like to give a try but I can’t” What the ? The RULE is if you take it into a ruck and the ball doesn’t come out then it is a turn over - how can the ref call it “harsh”? There was an attacking team (as per the old rules), but under the new rules, it’s not bloody harsh - he took it in and they didn’t retrieve the ball.
Troy Flavell caught the ball in an off side position (regardless of the reason) and that is a straight arm penalty, not a bloody scrum as dreamt up by the ref.
The last Canterbury try, was out, his foot was on the line - hence out.
I don’t like the new rules, force back is a kids game, not a professional sport, and rucks you are to stay on your feet. What ever happened to a guy on the wrong side of the ruck being moved out of the way in no uncertain terms with the boots and sprigs of the opposition.
Are the northern hemisphere teams to play under the new rules or are we to go back to the old rules?
credit to
Friday, December 5, 2008
Body protection

Body Protection
As well as light helmets, Rugby shoulder padding and protective vests are increasingly being worn. The nature and maximum amount of the protective measures available are stipulated the International Rugby Board.
This specifies that:
- Rugby shoulder padding will cover the shoulder and collar bone only and extend from the neck to a maximum of 2 cm down the upper arm.
- The padding is intended to give some protection to the bony prominences of the shoulder and clavicle. Padding on the chest and biceps are expressly forbidden (although permitted in Rugby League).
- All padded vests for use in rugby union must carry an IRB approval logo.
- Women players may also wear chest pads, also of soft, thin material. This is typically worn as part of a shoulder pad vest.
- Rugby Players may use fingerless gloves (also known as "mitts") to better grip the ball.
- Shin guards may also be worn under the socks, but only made of non-rigid fabric. Hard plastic or metal are prohibited in rugby kit.
- Any protective equipment that may cause injury to another player is prohibited.
- No form of metal is allowed in any rugby kit, except for studs on boots.
- Spectacles are prohibited for play;
- players may alternatively wear contact lenses
credit to
Rugby Headgear

Its usually use by player in scrum.
It is very common in rugby union to see players wearing a form of headgear known as the "scrum cap". This is intended simply to protect the ears of a player who is engaged in the scrum. Swollen ears left untreated, lead to the condition commonly known as 'cauliflower ears'.
The traditional scrum cap is a thin cloth helmet with padding over the ears and held in place by a strap. Because of the close contact, buckles cannot be used. Players will often opt for a thin strip of cloth bandage held in place by electrical tape like a head band.
Other players have taken to wearing padded headgear as well as forwards. This protects them from head injuries from accidental contact in play. headgear is strictly controlled by Regulation 12 of the IRB and must be made from as being made of soft, thin materials. Plastics are not permitte. The same Regulation 12 sets out testing standards for this equipment and it must carry an IRB approval logo.
Whilst they may prevent some cuts and abrasions, such headgear has not been shown to stop the player suffering from concussion but it greatly reduces the pain that occurs when players knock heads.
credit to
Symbol Of friendly
Royal Military College Rugby Team
Premier league 2008
This is Match between Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah versus SMK Tengku Ampuan Jemaah at KISAS,Klang.KISAS and STAJ is favourite Klang Rugby team.KISAS got nice backline while STAJ got nice forward i think.By the way,let's watch