Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rugby and hockey tour

Rugby and Hockey Tours

Are you planning your next rugby or hockey tour 2007, 2008 or 2009?
Team Sports. Ltd. would like to invite you to consider Argentina and the following options:

From February to November, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days programmes, enjoying Argentina and Southamérica with and excellent value for money.

Programs begining on U$D 395.-:
Includes: Reception and transfers in/out International Airport Ezeiza, 7 nights hotel breakfast included, City Tour, 3 sports matches (including transfers), Tigre & Delta excursion, Pictures in Tour, Souvenir for the institution, Bilingual Coordinator.
Programs tailored, ask prices.

a cultural and sporting experience for Schools, Universities, Clubs and Veterans rugby Teams from over the world:

August 2007, 2008 and 2009, Buenos Aires city (Youth)

September 2007, 2008 and 2009, Cordoba city (Youth)

November 2007, 2008 and 2009, Mar del Plata city (Veterans)
All details and the video of the first edition, please go to www.rugbyfestival.com.ar

a cultural and sporting experience for young hockey player, men and women from over the world.

April 2007, 2008 and 2009, Buenos Aires city (Youth)
All details please go to www.hockeyfestival.com.ar

for School's Teams, men and women from over the world.

April 2008, Buenos Aires city
Why Argentina?
Because it is one of the most important rugby and hockey exponents, offering outstanding and unspoiled natural landscapes as well as cosmopolitan cities. Here you will find a modern and significant tourist infraestructure at excellent costs due to the favorable exchange rate (compared to the US Dollar and Euro), that makes it a fully desirable choice for your next sport tour.

If you are interested please send us your full contact details and we will be happy to assist you.

Kind Regards

Manuel Terán
Team Sports Ltd
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel/Fax (+5411) 4766 0222

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